Q&A with Engage 2020 Presenters: Dr. Donald R. Murphy

ACA’s annual meeting this year becomes Engage 2020. The new name is part of the association’s ongoing efforts to position members for success by bringing them advocacy and leadership-development opportunities, networking events and cutting-edge education programs.

Donald R. Murpy, DC, FRCC, is one of Engage 2020’s education program presenters. He serves as clinical assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine of Brown University’s Alpert Medical School, and also as adjunct assistant professor in the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Physical Therapy. His presentation, “The Primary Spine Practitioner and Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain®,” takes place Friday, Jan. 31, at 11:15 a.m. For complete conference information and schedules, click here, and learn more about Dr. Murphy’s presentation in our Q&A with him below:

How is your topic relevant to today’s chiropractor?

We are functioning in a changing healthcare landscape. And the change is moving in our direction!  It is important that we stay current with the evolving environment and firmly establish ourselves with a clear identity that is relevant to other members of the healthcare system, decision makers and, most important, the public.

How can knowing more about this topic help chiropractors be successful now and into the future?

We have an opportunity to play a new, innovative role in the healthcare system.  This new role, the Primary Spine Practitioner, necessitates the establishment of a clear identity and an easily understood means of communicating our value to others involved in health care.  Never has there been a greater need for an efficient, evidence-based clinical approach that enhances our credibility, maximizes our skills and allows us to apply the highest level of excellence in patient care, all in a busy clinical environment.

Who should attend your presentation and why?

Any chiropractor who is interested in establishing themselves in the healthcare system, as well as in their own community, in the role of Primary Spine Practitioner, and who wants to enhance their skills, while at the same time improving their patient care and streamlining their workflow, should attend this presentation.

What practical knowledge or skills can attendees expect to take away from your presentation?

Attendees can expect to learn about an enhanced role as a Primary Spine Practitioner as well as an efficient, evidence-based protocol by which they can make better use of their existing knowledge and skills, as well as develop new and enhanced knowledge and skills.  All without adding to their workload.

What is one piece of information or advice that you want to leave with chiropractors who read this?

We have an emerging bright, new healthcare model that gives us an unprecedented opportunity to enhance our career while at the same time improve our clinical acumen.  This presentation exposes you to the toolbox needed to establish yourself in the changing healthcare environment.

To learn more about education offerings and CE credits available at Engage 2020 (formerly NCLC) and to register, visit www.acatoday.org/engage.