Enhance Your Management of the Distance and Endurance Runner

As an endurance runner as well as an experienced sports chiropractor, Kelly Lange, DC, CCSP, ICSC, FICC, is very familiar with runners and their desire to get past injuries to keep moving and competing. As an Engage 2024 presenter, she will share her insights into the unique world and health of distance and endurance runners — helping all chiropractors to better understand and serve this niche population. Look for Dr. Lange’s presentation, “Management of the Distance and Endurance Runner” on the Engage 2024 schedule and register today to attend!

Below, the ACA Blog learns more about Dr. Lange and what attendees can expect at her Engage 2024 presentation.

How is the topic you are presenting at Engage 2024 relevant to today’s chiropractor?

Dr. Lange: The world of endurance sports is growing, with more and more athletes entering

Dr. Kelly Lange

distance running events, and transitioning from road to trail. This makes the chances of a chiropractor seeing one of these patients in their office more and more likely, increasing the need for doctors to be prepared to manage these athletes. Knowing the right language and being familiar with the world in which these athletes live will help the practitioner in this management, as well as understanding the possible conditions that could present. Understanding the demands of the sport can also help us tailor their prehab and rehab strategies, with the goal of having the chiropractor be a part of their overall training and treatment team.

What makes you an expert in this area?

Dr. Lange: An endurance runner myself, I have been around the sport of ultra-running since 2010 when I first became medical director for a 100-mile endurance race. Prior to entering the trail running world, I was a road runner and worked the medical tent at marathons and triathlon events. I have worked at Olympic trials, world athletic championships, and most recently with the USATF at PanAm U20s.

My practice specializes in lower extremity care with an emphasis on foot care. Living in a trail-running mecca, I see a lot of ultra-running athletes, and have worked to hone my skills on the treatment of this niche athlete. I have worked on courses at Western States 100 and at Pine to Palm 100 in addition to working behind the scenes in race management.

What is one takeaway from your presentation that Engage 2024 attendees will not want to miss?

Dr. Lange: My goal is for the listener to walk away with new language and understanding of this type of athlete so they will feel confident in their management. There is a lot of psychology in all clinical work, but especially when you want to be part of the process of an athlete’s training. I believe the takeaway will be an increase in confidence of how to integrate into the management of an endurance athlete. I will also share some clinical pearls that are unique to ultra running that you won’t want to miss.

How will what attendees learn from your presentation make them better doctors?

Dr. Lange: Being in the sports world, I get ruffled when an athlete is told by a doctor they should stop running, or when a practitioner isn’t in support of their journey. I want chiropractors to be a go-to practitioner for these athletes, whether they have lots of experience working in sports medicine or not. This presentation will give you the foundation to understand the sport in a way that your patient will feel comfortable from day one. This will open you up to a new patient population and make you more prepared to manage these athletes.

Members of the ACA specialty councils like you are instrumental in developing ACA’s education programming at Engage 2024. What benefits have you personally experienced from being a specialty council member?

Dr. Lange: The number one benefit of being involved in a specialty council is the friends I have gained. I have made so many contacts through my time at symposium, and cultivated relationships that benefit me personally and professionally. I have a network of doctors I can rely on to help me with questions and to get me involved at a higher level with events and opportunities I would not have had access to had it not been for my association with the ACA Sports Council. It also gives me the chance to mentor younger doctors as they make their way in this profession. It’s a family within a family.

The American Chiropractic Association’s (ACA) annual meeting, ACA Engage, will take place Jan. 24-27, 2024, in Washington, D.C. The event offers top-notch education (up to 12 CE credits available), networking opportunities, presentations from clinical experts, panel discussions, and social events. You won’t want to miss ACA Engage 2024! Learn more and register.