Drs. Hayden and Bautch Promote Holiday Survival Tips

ACA spokesmen Robert Hayden, DC, PhD, and Scott Bautch, DC, were interviewed by several consumer media outlets on holiday health tips to sidestep common ailments. According to Dr. Hayden, who was quoted in Family Circle magazine, “When lifting bulky boxes and bags, stand as close to the object as possible, pull it into your body, and use your biceps to pick it up. Also engage your thigh muscles, and push through your legs. If you’re shoveling, limit how much snow you scoop each time, and use your legs for more power.”

According to Dr. Bautch, who was featured in CapeCod.com, “Our bodies have the capacity to do a little more than we normally do, but our bodies do not adapt very well to doing a lot more than we normally do. Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise, and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about.”