Q&A with NCLC 2019 Presenters: Dr. Jay Greenstein

ACA’s annual meeting, the National Chiropractic Leadership Conference, brings you cutting-edge, evidence-based education sessions featuring some of the chiropractic profession’s most respected thought leaders and content experts. Many sessions also offer continuing education credits. Here we pose questions to one of the presenters: Jay Greenstein, DC. His presentation is, “Hacking the Chiropractic Profession: The Technology Adjustment.”

Q: How is the topic that you are presenting relevant to modern chiropractic practice? How will it help chiropractors be successful now, and into the future?

The world is changing at an exponential pace. Health care has never changed so rapidly. Understanding of key technologies to drive better outcomes for patients, providers and the healthcare system at large will drive the chiropractic profession’s impact. The “modern” chiropractic practice is technology…

Q: Are there any new developments in your specialty/topic area that make your presentation at NCLC 2019 especially relevant or timely?

Big data, wearables, artificial intelligence, deep learning, the Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing and blockchain, to name a few…

Q: Who should attend your presentation and why?

Anyone who wants to get their head out of the sand and understand that a LOT is going on outside of the four walls of their chiropractic practice.

Q: What practical knowledge or skills can attendees expect to take away from your presentation?

How to prepare for the future using emerging technologies will be THE key deliverable.

What was the best career advice you ever received?

The obstacle is the way…

Dr. Greenstein’s presentation, “Hacking the Chiropractic Profession: The Technology Adjustment,” takes place at NCLC on Friday, Jan. 18, 2019, at 11 a.m. ET. For complete conference information and schedules, click here.